St John the Baptist Church, Macaulay Road, Broadstone



Tel: 01202 697641
Email the Office


Electoral roll

There are 170 Parishioners on the Church Electoral Roll.

Parochial church Council

The PCC is chaired by the Vicar and has 12 members elected from the congregation.  The 2 Church Wardens are members of the PCC also and one is usually Vice Chair.  The elected members serve for a period of three years and are elected by all those who are on the Electoral Roll at the Annual General Meeting each year.

The PCC has a responsibility to co-operate with the Vicar with regard to the work and worship of the Parish Church including pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical activities within the ecclesiastical Parish and beyond. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the Parish Church grounds and the adjoining Hall. 

The PCC meets 6 times a year to review the work of the church, the financial statements and to make various decisions that are required throughout the year.

Lay Pastoral Assistants

The parish currently has seven.  Their duties include visiting families before a baptism and those who are bereaved, as well as visiting others in need at home or in hospital. They take home communions and care home services out to the parish. They meet regularly to report and support each other in this role.

Eucharistic Administrators

We have a team of Eucharistic Administrators who administer the bread and wine at services of Holy Communion. Those who are also LPAs take the Sacrament out to those who are housebound or in rest homes.


On an average Sunday there are about 20 communicants at the 8am said Holy Communion and approximately 80 at the 10am Sung Eucharist. 
Traditionally there is a substantially increased attendance at major festivals.



Page last updated: Wednesday 3rd July 2024 11:38 AM
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